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Join date: Apr 13, 2023


Mom of 3 and co-owner of the Pillow Fort, my passions lie in gaming, family time, and the great outdoors. Since I was young I adored creative writing and have even finished a few novels, but never had the confidence to seek publishing. Now, I use my talents to entertain and educate the gaming world on new and upcoming games alike. I choose to pour my heart and soul into my writing because I truly feel most reviewers skim over the top of a game and forget to capture its essence in their reviews. I'm constantly left wanting to know more about a game prior to purchasing, without all the bias of an opinionated review. It's for this reason that we focus on a more educational and humorous style of writing, rather than a persuasive one. Hopefully, we're able to make you laugh and leave you confident in your decision to buy a game (or not), and if so, we've succeeded!

Lil (Darlinganddeath)

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