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Have a Question that needs answering? Then check out our FAQ before getting in touch. Filter through the different categories to find the answers you're looking for.
If you still have a question even after your browsing, please feel free to contact us.
Why should I choose The Pillow Fort for Coverage?If you're looking for Creators who're going to play through your game with a completely unbiased approach and highlight both what we love, and what we feel needs to be improved, then you should consider The Pillow Fort when seeking coverage for your game. We also provide valuable feedback on bugs, glitches, crashes, and more. We take great pride and care when crafting our content and aim to be as thorough and thoughtful as possible. We want both Consumers & Developers to trust that we'll be critical, yet gentle with games in an attempt to truly help their development from pre-release to future patches. We won't hide a game's flaws, but we won't stifle its successes either, all of our Reviews are aimed at being Educative, not Opinionated.
You've curated my title on Steam, does that mean you'll cover it?The simple answer is No. Our Curation on Steam means that we feel as though your title is relevant to someone in our community that enjoys games similar to it. Our curations and sharing of your game on social media is simply to act as Reverse Community Managers. We bring our Community games that we think they'll want to play, or, we play and review games that we ourselves want to play. Just because we market your game, does not mean we'll cover it. In fact, a large portion of the games we Curate we have no interest in playing, but that doesn't mean we won't share it with someone that does ❤️
How long does TPF take to provide coverage for a game?A minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 90. Due to maintaining a full calendar, we never guarantee coverage "quickly". Instead, we focus on producing the highest caliber of content and playing / sharing only games that are in a stable and enjoyable states that we know our community might enjoy. If you'd like to guarantee coverage at the time of your games launch, or within the first 2 weeks, please contact us regarding paid collaborations.
Do you ever change your Reviews?While we may craft new videos or articles for updated game content, we'll never remove a Review article or video entirely. It's important that we maintain trust with our viewers so that they can rely on us to be accurate and honest. We will NEVER accept payment or incentive for a positive review, or to change our review, and we do not allow Publishers or Developers access to our review prior to its release. If you're looking to receive Review level feedback of your title without risking a negative review, consider Mock Review services.
What can I expect in terms of coverage if you accept my request?The range of our coverage honestly varies quite drastically. We're a small team and we gravitate towards titles we know our community is going to love, and that we want to create content for, so if we accept your request you can expect that we're going to do our best to produce content for it. Types of content we might craft are social media posts, Steam Curation, Short & Long Form Videos, Written Articles, and more. Typically we'll choose 1 longform video idea to craft for each game we play, and will curate / continue to feature it on Steam. You can also expect us to share the game on all our social media sites. Please note: If you'd like to guarantee a specific type of content, please reach out to us about paid collaborations.
I want to secure coverage for a game releasing in future, is that possible?YES! We write it in caps because we greatly prefer to receive confirmation that we'll have access to a Review Copy, and exactly when we're going to have access, so that we can plan our weeks accordingly. We're a tiny team that only stays this organized due to incredible time and project management and we're not going to pretend like we're perfect 100% of the time, even if we strive to be. As much time in advance that you can allow us to plan for your title, the more care and attention it's going to get and the higher quality work will be put into it.
Do you accept last minute requests for coverage?To be as honest as possible, not really. If it's a title that's been at the top of our personal wait list for a long time, we'll do our best to squeeze it into the schedule, but the only way to guarantee coverage for a title releasing within the next 30 days is with a paid collaboration.
Will you cover an already released game?Typically no, but if it's a game we've been wanting to play and just haven't had the time for it, then we'll do our best to accommodate it into our schedule. It's likely we won't deliver content until around 45 days later, but regardless, we'll ensure we get to it.
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